What do you know about your maker?

Daily Ministration

Reading recently in the Psalms, I came to the question, what do you know about your maker? The Psalms are a very exciting collection. Many noted by David, along with others who offered there devotion to God. In Psalms 104, I asked myself the question, there is so much God has done, but how much is spoken abroad. It was even funny to know that the next chapter then encourages the individual to noise abroad God’s plans, his wondrous works and his great person. Psalms is a very descriptive book and here we get into much of God’s characteristics. I questioned myself, to the level of relationship I really had with Jesus and his Father. Are we aware that God commanded water to go to a specific place and that he calls the rain to pour down on us? God provides streams for the animals to come to, grass continually grows for all cattle to have food. God made the trees for the birds to stay in, which is also needed by mankind, for the transfer of co2-o2. God has subjected the sun and moon to there prescribed times. A subjection that cannot be broken.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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