This Is How To Soar In 2024 & Beyond!

I want to show you how to soar in 2024 & Beyond. Because so many people have talked about what you need to do to make this the best year of your life.

There’s great advice. But there’s something missing. And that’s why, with every day that passes, it’s starting to feel like it’s not going to happen, isn’t it?

Be honest. Because I don’t want to you to think, Israel was right a year from now. I want to show you exactly what you must do today, to soar in 2024 and beyond.

Because out of 100 people, on average, less than 10 will have their best year ever, but I’m going to show you how to do it.

How To Soar In 2024 & Beyond

So today, you will discover the 5 things you must do this year, if you want to Soar.

I’m doing everyone I share with you. This will protect you from the system working nonstop to keep you glued to your screen with nothing to show for it.

This will protect you from the system working to keep you unfulfilled and broke.

And my prayer for you is, next year, you look back and see how God came through for you. Because everything I’m going to share with you, I learned in the Bible.

But as you will see, this will improve everything you do.

Step 1 To Soar In 2024

Number 1 is the most important.

Last January I did a 21 day challenge. The goal was to help you see how God’s Wisdom in the Word helps you Win.

I didn’t start on January 1st though. I started on the 10th. And on day 1, I made this point…

Most people 10 days into something new have already quit. That increases with every passing day. Share on X

I’m not quitting, and I don’t want you to quit. My faith grew in a great way, living by God’s wisdom last year.

Look at some of the things I did last year.

I wrote and sent some of the best emails I’ve ever written. Emails that touched people’s core, and transformed every part of their lives. 

I started sharing daily prayers teaching the Bible. These also help people get more answers to prayer.

I started two YouTube channels teaching the Bible in other areas.

These areas are business. That’s this branch of content, and an apologetics channel, which is about defending the faith. The point is, I did things I’ve wanted to do for so many years. And I didn’t quit. The point you must see is…

It's not about starting when you feel ready. It's about doing more of the things only you can do. Share on X

These are the things God created you for. I talk about this in my article on the easy solution to overcome imposter syndrome. The truth is, so many people get you excited for January first. But these people know, most will quit in the next few days.

Don’t Let This Stop You From Having Your Best Year Ever

I want you to succeed, so Start. Do not wait for a perfect time. Start now. What will you do today, that aligns with your future self?

Forget about the baggage you’re carrying today from the last ten years. It doesn’t matter today because it’s done. Let it go.

What will you do today to start? Write the article, record the video, make the offer, launch the domain.

For you to get freedom, buy the things you want, or spend the time with people you love the most, you must escape the system.

There is a system programming you, to never get these things. I share one way to escape it in a recent article, so I won’t talk much about it here.

All the reasons you won’t take the step forward don’t matter. Do it. Start. The things God wants me to do, I do them. I do them because I know He will empower me. I cannot lose. It’s impossible.

Number 1 is Start.

Step 2 To Soar In 2024

Before last year, I had never shared the things I covered in the 21-day challenge. I was afraid, and had feelings like…

“How can you teach on this?”

You’re not the guy who teaches these things from the Bible”.

Stick to other parts of the Bible you’ve taught before”

And this will be important later. But I thank God, I trusted Him. And all reviews were positive. I thank God I did it. And I thank God I didn’t quit as I almost did on day 3 of the challenge.

In the middle of the year we started sharing prayers 6 days a week (YouTube, Instagram, Tik Tok & Meta).

Daily PrayersI’ve never done this before. The same kind of fears I mentioned above came. But again, I trusted Him. And the amount of people blessed is amazing.

Towards the end of the year, we started two YouTube channels. Same fears again.

I know much about business. But I’ve never taught business based on the Bible. Not public like this anyway. But I had to start, and stop putting it off.

Faith Over Fear To Have The Best Year Ever

I could not allow fear to make my decisions. And you shouldn’t too.

The early feedback on one channel has been great. And we will continue to make things better on both, watch and see.

But everything aligns with my calling. Teaching God’s Word. This is what I am created to do.

This is why we’ve won, we are winning, and will win in the future.

I want you to succeed, so stop being afraid. God has given us so many examples in the Bible to overcome fear. This is why I meditate on stories in the Bible for any fear I have.

Over the last few years I’ve meditated on verses in the Bible telling me not to fear. It works.

There’s nothing that can stop you.

I was reading this book a few days ago. This man talked about a time he got held at gunpoint. Before, the man with the gun tried to shoot him but missed. The problem was he said,

“he never misses, so why did I miss?”

With a gun in his face now, he said something powerful.

Until I finish the mission God has for me, nobody can kill me.

Last year I lived with this confidence, and I’m doing the same again this year.

This year, I’m going to show you how to use His Word to Win. You cannot lose.

Don’t let people who don’t believe in the Bible use what I’m saying and win, when you don’t. Because I’m telling you, this is happening everyday.

Number 2 is Stop Being Afraid.

Step 3 To Soar In 2024

One thing that helped in a big way last year, I covered a lot towards the end of the year. I talked about one of the biggest fears in the world.

In an email, I shared this picture of God owning all the Silver and Gold. My daughter Anna helped with it. This is from  Haggai 2:8. But there are many passages saying the same thing. But the point is, when you stop worrying about money, it’s easier to walk in your greatness.

I sent a text to a friend recently saying the same thing. One of the ways this business content is going to soar this year, is by living like a wealthy person. This does not mean do foolish things, like renting expensive cars, or mansions to make it seem like I have more.

Last year I lived life not worried about money. Why? Because like Haggai 2:8 in the Bible is trying to get you to realise…

God does not worry about money, so as His son, I don't need to either. You shouldn't too. Share on X

The important thing is, not if you have the money, but if God said do it. Because if God said do it, and you do, He will make it happen, when you follow His wisdom.

I want you to succeed, so act this year like The wealthy person, not like a poor person. When you study wealthy, and poor people, they do different things.

I’ve had wealth, and I’ve had lack. But the point is…how would God act? Because He is the wealthy person you need to follow.

So regardless of what your bank balance, or your ability is, act the same way.

Jesus Showed Us How To Do This

Jesus sent the disciples out to preach without any money and it was successful. He asked them if they lacked, and they said, no. Live this year more like Christ did.

He was confident His Father provides in all situations because He does. Let’s act more like it this year.

Number 3 is Live Like The Wealthy One.

Step 4 To Soar In 2024

There’s a reason Jesus had more than one disciple. There’s a reason the disciples met together, and stayed together.

When you read Acts 1, it speaks about 120 people united. They focused on everyone growing. No one is to get left behind.

It’s a shame sometimes when reading the early chapters in Acts. You read about the unity of the church. But compared to what we see today in Christianity, God is not pleased with the division. Satan is.

This year I will start and join more groups, which focus on everyone growing. Not 1 person. These articles are an example of this. These articles help me. But help you much more.

I want you to succeed, so you must unite with others (online and in person). And your single goal should be to serve. Help others to become all God wants them to be. And they will help you do the same. You cannot do it alone. And God does not want you to do it alone. There are people God wants you to help, and He has people to help you as well.

Number 4 is Team Up.

Step 5 To Soar In 2024

These 4 are enough for you to soar in 2024 & beyond. But you tell me…Help make this list special by telling me one thing we can do to Soar in 2024 together?

So Go Win And God bless.

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He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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