This is How God Helped Me Overcome…

God wants you overcome the challenges in your life. And this post today (with video below) will share some examples of how God helped me, overcome some of my recent fears.

Start doing this going forward and I promise God will bring you through.


A few days back I shared some of my struggles in preparation for my next session through Luke’s Gospel.

And I knew this was an opportunity to be a blessing to you.

Because I know you have challenges yourself as a Christian, and it would help you overcome them.

I had challenges like…

Why isn’t this session coming together like I hoped? This is harrrd!

Am I good enough?

Will This Be A Blessing To You?

Is it Going to be Long Enough?

My Views Online Are Going Down Because I’m Not Posting. HURRY UP & FINISH ISRAEL!

After sharing these challenges,

My advice in the end was…

Stay close to him“.

I want to share with you what that actually looks like a little bit ,

so you can consider doing these things yourself as you face challenges.

I start with my basic belief that God Wins.

When I face challenges, remembering God wins can help you greatly, because it reminds you…

whatever you are going through right now, is not permanent!

I prayed about my challenges.

Lord, these are my concerns, these are my challenges, help me make more sense of the situation. And give me clarity.

I went to sleep.

Previously, I may’ve put it on the back burner, or walked away from the session entirely.

But God, who knows all things, knows this is an opportunity for you to draw closer to him .

And that is something I’ve learned over the years.

Just like Christ was in agony in Gethsemane, he DID NOT retreat.

He leaned in, and finished his Father’s will.

I tried to do the same.

I Woke up.

Had a shower,

Got Dressed.

And through this sequence, I believe God provided me with clarity about how to deliver this next session for you on Luke.

But get this,

In a way that is extremely relevant to you right now.

And will take us through the first 4 verses of Luke’s Gospel.


It is ready to bless you right now.

but only if you do one thing which I share with you on the session.

Thank you for watching,

Talk soon Theophilus,

Israel from In Thy Word.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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