The Way You See Yourself vs. How God Sees You

Have you ever felt unworthy of success, as if others are more deserving, and nothing you try seems to work out? This feeling, known as “Imposter syndrome,” is the persistent doubt of one’s abilities and worth. 

When we’re stuck in this mindset, we can become trapped in cycles of self-comparison and insecurity. But what if you could start seeing yourself how God sees you

Understanding Imposter Syndrome Through the Lens of Faith

Imposter syndrome is like a distorted mirror reflecting back a version of yourself that doesn’t truly exist. Instead of seeing your strengths and potential, you only see flaws and limitations. 

This is a common struggle that prevents people from pursuing their dreams, achieving their goals, and living out their God-given potential. 

But the Bible reminds us that we are created with purpose and that God sees us through a lens of love, strength, and possibility.

“For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.” – Ephesians 2:10

One way to tackle imposter syndrome is to seek out a “Bible twin”—a figure in the Bible whose story mirrors your own struggles. 

About two months ago, I hosted a live event called “Daily Devoted,” where I taught this concept and showed people how to read the Bible in one year.

Identifying a Bible twin not only shows us that we’re not alone in our challenges but also highlights how God’s presence in their life guided them to victory. One of my Bible twins is Gideon. For many of us dealing with self-doubt, Gideon’s story provides powerful insights.

Biblical illustration of Gideon presenting an offering to an angel under a tree, symbolizing his encounter with God’s guidance and reassurance.The Story of Gideon: A Lesson in Faith and Self-Worth

Gideon’s story, found in the Book of Judges, is one of transformation from a life overshadowed by fear and insecurity to a life filled with purpose and strength. As an Israelite, Gideon lived during a time when his people were oppressed by the Midianites. 

Despite hearing stories of God’s miracles, Gideon felt powerless in the face of their current situation. He even went so far as to secretly grow crops to avoid the Midianites’ raids.

But then, Gideon received an unexpected visit. The Angel of the Lord appeared with a surprising greeting: 

“The LORD is with you, mighty warrior.” – Judges 6:12

This greeting shook Gideon. “Mighty warrior”? He saw himself as anything but that. Gideon couldn’t understand why God would see him as a warrior when he felt so inadequate and ordinary. 

Instead of accepting the compliment, he questioned it, unable to reconcile his self-perception with the angel’s words. This reaction is common for those with imposter syndrome, as it’s difficult to accept a positive view of ourselves when we feel undeserving.

Embracing God’s View Over Our Own Doubts

As Gideon wrestled with doubt, he questioned God, asking why His people were suffering and feeling abandoned. His circumstances painted a bleak picture, and he couldn’t see beyond his pain and challenges. 

Yet God’s message was clear: He was with Gideon and had chosen him to deliver Israel from oppression.

Despite Gideon’s protests about his inadequacy and status as the “least” in his family, God assured him, saying, 

“I will be with you, and you will strike down all the Midianites, leaving none alive.” – Judges 6:16

God’s promise didn’t rely on Gideon’s strength or social standing. Instead, it was rooted in God’s presence and faithfulness. Through this, we learn a critical lesson: it’s not our limitations that matter, but God’s limitless power working in and through us.

A closeup image of fleece.Moving from Doubt to Faith Through Small Steps

To reinforce his faith, God offered Gideon a series of signs. First, when Gideon presented an offering, fire consumed it at the angel’s touch. Then, when Gideon requested a sign with a fleece, God honored his request not once but twice, performing the miracles exactly as Gideon had asked. 

These signs became pillars of faith that fortified Gideon’s confidence and allowed him to move forward with God’s mission.

This pattern reveals that overcoming imposter syndrome isn’t about taking a single giant leap but about taking consistent small steps of faith. God doesn’t mind reassuring us, just as He did for Gideon, because He knows the journey of faith involves both assurance and action.

“The LORD will fight for you; you need only to be still.” – Exodus 14:14

How God Sees Us Versus How We See Ourselves

Imposter syndrome blinds us to the truth of our identity. When we look through our own lenses, we often see ourselves as weak, insignificant, and incapable. But God’s view is vastly different. He sees what we’re created to be and the incredible potential within us. 

To Him, Gideon wasn’t a scared farmer hiding from his enemies—he was a mighty warrior. Consider how Gideon viewed himself at the start of his journey versus how God viewed him:

  • Gideon’s Perspective: Powerless, faithless, and the least in his family.
  • God’s Perspective: Protected, powerful, and chosen.

An illustration of Gideon in the Bible verse Judge 6.This shift in perspective is life-changing. Instead of focusing on his limitations, Gideon began to embrace his God-given purpose. When we look at ourselves through God’s lens, we see a reflection of His love, strength, and promises.

A New Way of Seeing Yourself

The story of Gideon serves as a powerful reminder that God sees beyond our self-doubt and limitations. While imposter syndrome may cloud our view, God’s perspective reveals our true worth and purpose.

Through faith and small steps of obedience, we can overcome these doubts and step into the life God has prepared for us.

If you’ve been inspired by Gideon’s journey from doubt to faith, you may find encouragement in my other article about how it takes time to achieve greatness. It’s a reminder that, like Gideon, you don’t have to wait for perfection to pursue your calling.

Each step forward, however small, is part of God’s plan to bring out the greatness He’s placed within you. Start now, and trust that growth, purpose, and confidence will come as you keep moving forward.



He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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