The Art of Searching

When I think of the word quest, the art of searching is not something I think of. I wouldn’t consider a quest an art, this did make me think however. An art is something which is close to you, something you dedicate yourself too. An art is something you continually develop to increase skill and final product. I realised that we do not have many quests in life. There is a difference between looking and searching. When you lose your keys, you look all over the house for them. When you lose something much deeper however like  a life, you delve much deeper into a search.

How many of you can say you’ve really experienced a quest in life? The more I think about this definition, the more I realise many haven’t experienced this. To really seek something out. In Psalms 42 we read “My soul thirsteth for God, for the living God: when shall I come and appear before God?” A desire to meet God is present, the Man of God was seeking to know when the time of visitation was. A wavering thought for God is much less personal than a soul who is hungry for an encounter. The word art is important here as it really identifies for us how much effort must be placed upon the activity. I recently saw an advert about people who were seen in the public for specific reasons (Sports, Athletics etc). I started thinking to myself, do you think these people only work on the day they come on TV? Substantial effort is put in, far long before we ever see them on TV. The disciples didn’t just get the boldness to start acting from the beginning of Acts, they were training throughout the Gospels to ready themselves for what was ahead.

How far does your quest go? Is the quest your on in life subject to the place where you are born? Are you willing to move far away from all you have known to continue your quest. My brother lives in America, on pursuit of a dream, he decided to take his quest to the next level, by leaving his society and going somewhere new. A quest is shaped by the hard decisions in life, to go or not go? The decision many make daily. So how far does your quest stem?

Our father Abraham decided to leave his society, on pursuit of a relationship with Yah. The Bible says “when he was called to go out into a place which he should after receive for an inheritance, obeyed; and he went out, not knowing whither he went. By faith he sojourned in the land of promise, as in a strange country, dwelling in tabernacles with Isaac and Jacob, the heirs with him of the same promise: For he looked for a city which hath foundations, whose builder and maker is God (Hebrews 11:8-10).” Not willing to be subject to his environment, he left his whole family in the end, to start a new family. While his name was yet Abram, he left and became Abraham: which is the beginning of a multitude, or the father of many people.

A decision is what distinguishes the searchers and the onlookers, and we see this clearly from the book of Ezra. We see in the scriptures that “Ezra had prepared his heart to seek the law of the LORD, and to do it, and to teach in Israel statutes and judgments. (Ezra 7:10)”

Make the decision!


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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40 Responses

  1. Traci B says:

    Excellent post, Israel. Questing after God’s heart isn’t easy and it can be exhausting, but the results are worth the effort.

  2. Thank you for this post, Israel. I loved how you began by pointing out the difference between “looking” and “searching.” Beautifully written.

    • Thank you. There are thin lines which separate searchers and onlookers. someone who looks only needs the eyes, someone searching uses the whole body.

      God bless.

      A man speaking from experience.

  3. Suzette says:

    I know my personal quest is to be more like the Lord, which is impossible, but God appreciates the effort! Thanks for sharing!

  4. Pegg Thomas says:

    Nicely done! You brought out good points on distinction of the terms.

  5. I like your reminder that “The disciples didn’t just get the boldness to start acting from the beginning of Acts, they were training throughout the Gospels to ready themselves for what was ahead.” This reminds us that we too have to put in some extra effort in our quest for finding God and sharing His love with others.

  6. Nona says:

    Wow! I liked the intensity and “go get them” attitude. The reminder of how a quest is not for the faint of heart. Made me want to be one of those people who picked up and moved just to obey the word of the Lord. To seek that “something special” set aside from our Heavenly Father. With challenge comes blessing…. 🙂 Thanks for sharing, Israel.

  7. Mike says:

    Israel I liked the tie in with Abraham and his life as a quest.

    Abram believed the LORD, and he credited it to him as righteousness. (Genesis 15:6)

  8. Tracy Krauss says:

    Very good distinction between a deeper search and just looking the first thing to satisfy … I guess that is what a quest truly is …

  9. E G Lewis says:

    Interestin post. We often forget that being a professional athlete means more than showing up occasionallty and playing around. I guess the same can be said for out spiritual walk. We ought to be working as hard on it as Tim Tebow or Michael Jordan work(ed) on their career. Peace and Blessings

  10. Terrie says:

    Great points! I Loved the distinction between the “insider” and the “outsider” Those who move- are on the quest, but those who stay in a perpetual state of watching and waiting miss the entire point of life. Stepping out into the unknown is what makes a life great (Abraham) although we know he wasn’t perfect in all his ways- He took a chance and believed God. That’s when the greatest adventure begins Trust God’s Word!!

  11. Deborah K. Anderson says:

    I have been on numerous quests, but I certainly see the difference in what you wrote. Thanks for posting this, Israel.

  12. Jack Brown says:

    in the end it’s the only decision that counts for Eternity.
    good Quest post

  13. Really great words to live by and quest for. Great job!

  14. Nice post. I like how you explore the difference between a search and a quest. I think you are right in that most people search by few people Quest.

  15. MGalloway says:

    Good post. I especially like the points you make about the disciples and the Book of Acts. Same goes with sports, writing, musical performances, etc. So much preparation occurs ahead of time that many athletes, artists, and preachers make it “look easy” but in reality, it takes hours, days, or even years of work ahead of time.

  16. Israel, wonderful post! I love the idea of the quest being a deep longing, deep search — like so many of the Psalms — deep emotion, questing, seeking God’s Presence, assurance of His goodness, His faithfulness, ultimately, His love. Bless you!

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