Tagged: Old Testament


Who Will We See in Heaven?

Someone recently asked me this question: “Who will we see in heaven physically? Are we going to see Jesus and God the Father? Or is the Father and the Holy Spirit  just one person?...


Analyzing Rabbi Tovia Singer’s Views on the Trinity

In the ongoing discourse surrounding the concept of the Trinity within Christianity, notable figures like Rabbi Tovia Singer have made significant arguments questioning its validity.  Recently, Rabbi Singer released a video titled “Rabbi Tovia...


The importance of today…

One thing I like about reading people’s books, is seeing the scripture inside them, although many do not quote them. I’m reading a book currently which places much emphasis on TODAY. The whole book in...



David was a man from small beginnings. The youngest of eight children, he was a shepherd, who had stories to tell of his courage, only to be told when he would ascend to the...