Tagged: Christian


Should We Be Praying for T.D. Jakes?

This past weekend marked a significant moment during Bishop T.D. Jakes’ weekly sermon, when something strange occurred. As he concluded his message, many in the congregation wondered whether he had suffered a heart attack...


Who Will We See in Heaven?

Someone recently asked me this question: “Who will we see in heaven physically? Are we going to see Jesus and God the Father? Or is the Father and the Holy Spirit  just one person?...

Change is hard but needed 0

Change is hard but needed

Being a Christian  I have found it hard to not stand out in common societal beliefs. It is part of life. Most people go against what I believe in. Some changes I have made have been hard...

Beatitudes 0


Daily Ministration     I want to teach you a lesson. Blessed are those who are hungry in spirit, for they will have the Kingdom of God. Those that mourn will be comforted, the...