Starting A Business That Makes Money

The Power of Starting a Business That Makes Money

One of the things you can do to change your life is starting a business that is very profitable.

But how do you do that?

You might be thinking,

“I’ve tried and it didn’t work,” or “I don’t know a step-by-step plan that will get me there.” Maybe you believe that business is for evil people, or that it will take too long.

Whatever story you tell yourself for not starting a business that is profitable is true.

Breaking Free from the System

In my previous business, one of the key things I did to become profitable was avoiding the programming of the system.

What’s the system? I often talk about the system, which actively takes many people nowhere. You need to jump off the system’s bus. If you’re going nowhere, you can’t be going somewhere. Share on X One of the things the system does is program as many people as it can, so their businesses, or anything worthwhile in life fails.

The system doesn’t want you starting a business. Let alone starting a business that is profitable, and keeping you firm in the faith.

Let me give you an example of this programming, and then I want to share a passage from the Bible that stood out to me differently when I read it recently.

Recognizing Faulty Programming

What I’m about to tell you might feel strange. The stranger it feels, the more you’ve been programmed. But I promise you, the more you follow this, the wealthier you will be.

You’ll create more profit, have better relationships, and your stress levels will go down year after year.

People trapped in the system tend to make money a certain way. They work for a set number of hours during the day and then they get paid.

Work, get paid. Work, get paid…Don’t work, don’t get paid.

If you do this for long enough, you start to believe the story you’re living. You start believing you need to do active work today in order to get paid for it. You must do it.

Creating Products That Generate Ongoing Income

In my previous business, I created products with my expertise one time, and sold them many times. Whether I was sick or well, happy or sad, at home or abroad—it didn’t matter. I worked once, and then got paid, and got paid, and got paid.

I had $7 products, $47 products, and $2,000 products. I sold all of them the same way.

I didn’t need to go to work that day for 8 hours to sell any of them.

When you don’t know how to create a product, it seems hard. But when you know how, it’s very easy. I made a video a while ago about how to create and sell a product in 48 hours or less.

Watch that if you like; it will show you what to do.

Shifting Your Mindset

Most people think it sounds crazy:

“You mean you don’t need to work all day to get paid for the day?”

Yes. When it came to starting a business again, it’s the same thing I’m doing today.

Take my book, for example. Israel Ikhinmwin's Book - 50 Life Lessons Before 25I wrote this book over 10 years ago. When you know how to write a book the right way, it doesn’t matter if the book was written 2,000 years ago, or even thousands of years before that—it can still transform lives, ask God.

I sell this for $25, plus $7.95 for shipping and handling. And let me show you I know what you’re thinking.

“How on earth can you sell a book for $25 plus shipping and handling Israel?”

I’ll mention two reasons.

Breaking the Lies of the System

First, I don’t believe the lies that a book needs to be a certain price like the system wants me to. When I was studying law, we had to buy textbooks that were sometimes $100 or more. Those books would be obsolete by next year.

Obsolete is a fancier term for useless. This was normal because laws can change like that. And then I’d buy the latest edition because if you’re not up to date with the law, you’re going to fail.

That reveals the second reason.

Passing the test was more valuable to me, than the money spent. And that was only one book. I had to buy several books.

My book shows you how to make the next year of your life the best year of your life, and then repeat it. So the question people ask themselves is,

“Is it worth me spending $25 plus $7.95 shipping and handling, to see how to make the next year of my life the best year of my life?”

The answer is obvious. Yes, it is. They decide it is, and then they buy.

Real-Life Examples of Passive Income

People are not buying my book every day yet, but a few days ago, for example…

I went to bed, woke up early in the morning, prayed, read the Bible—all that good stuff. I got out of bed, went to get some water to drink, and picked up my phone from the living room.

As I looked at my phone, I saw a notification from Stripe. Someone in a different country bought my book while I was sleeping.

I was asleep! That feeling is so great.

It’s the same feeling I get when I wake up and see someone has sent me an email, or when I wake up to comments on my Bible study channel, saying my video kept them in the faith.

But I know there are people who will hear me say that and think what I’m saying is crazy. That’s how powerful the system’s programming is.

The Power of Delegation and Collaboration

I clocked in over 10 years ago when I wrote this book and clocked out then too. But it continues to bring in money because it serves the people who buy it. I stopped believing the lies of the system.

I wrote it, but I didn’t design the cover—I paid someone to do it. I didn’t format it so the words are in the right place—I paid someone to do it.

My work provided opportunities for people to get paid doing things they want to do. I paid them over 10 years ago, and I’m still getting paid today.

Stop trying to do things alone, and get people to help you achieve the things God wants you to. I was reading a passage recently, and it hit me differently, but it reveals the same thing I’m trying to show you.

Lessons from Abraham: The Value of Teamwork

I’m going to read a few verses from Genesis 18. This is where Abraham meets three men—God appears to Abraham with two angels.

Abraham sees these men, starts talking to them, and he offers to make them a nice meal. The Bible says God blessed Abraham with great wealth, but look at what this passage says.

Genesis 18:6 says,

“And Abraham hastened into the tent unto Sarah, and said, Make ready quickly three measures of fine meal, knead it, and make cakes upon the hearth.”

Abraham runs to his wife Sarah and wants her to bake something. It is so much easier to do things with someone else than to do it alone.

Imagine Abraham trying to be hospitable, while doing all the baking. Sarah knew they were a team, and they could do great things together—greater things together than alone. That is why she is praised in the New Testament for this. But it goes further. Listen to the next verse.

“And Abraham ran unto the herd, and fetched a calf tender and good, and gave it unto a young man; and he hasted to dress it.”

He gets someone else to prepare the animal for the meal. One person is baking, another is seasoning and roasting. Listen to verse 8 though:

“And he took butter, and milk, and the calf which HE had dressed, and set it before them; and he stood by them under the tree, and they did eat.”

It said Abraham prepared the animal. Because when people help you do things, your name is attached, whether you actively did everything or only one thing.

Great things happen when people work together. There are things you cannot do because you are trying to do it all yourself.

The Lie of Financial Insecurity

“But I don’t have the money,” you might say. That’s a lie I used to believe as well. Let me tell you why that is.

The system has been programming people since they were young. I grew up hearing people talk about “keeping up with the Joneses,” and then it turned into “stunting” or being “Insta-famous.”

I don’t know what people are calling it today. But because you see people showing their lifestyle and it looks perfect, you think you need to do the same.

You see these rappers with loads of money, cars, and women and think, “I need this to be rich.” Stop it.

The system will show you this, and make you believe that’s what you need. Then you’ll get into debt for something that will mess you up down the road. I stopped being influenced by those lies from the system, and started asking myself, “What can I do from where I am?

Embracing the Right Opportunities

Abraham had people help him cook meals at the drop of a hat for strangers. I don’t yet, so I’m not going to get a personal chef until it makes sense.

We do a lot of baking in my house—bread, pizza, cakes. But one of the decisions I made a few years ago was that I no longer wanted to buy flour, or habitually eat bread from the system.

It costs more to buy better flour, but there was a factory not too far that I would drive to and buy huge sacks of flour.

I could focus on the extra cost, which really isn’t that much, or I could focus on the fact that my children are eating high-quality food that we make ourselves.

There are no crazy ingredients in our food. Anyone who eats our bread speaks highly of it, and one of the reasons is, they’re not eating bread from the system. I’m going to take this home, and it’s the same way for business.

The Power of Starting Small and Building Big

I loved driving thirty to forty minutes every few months to buy those sacks of flour because of what it did. It’s one of the reasons it took so long for me to do what I’m about to tell you.

Last year, I thought about the ninety minutes it takes to pick up the flour—the fuel costs, the time, and wondered if it was the best use of my time.

In that time, I could make content like this which helps thousands of people. As much as I love the journey, it doesn’t make sense.

I said it makes more sense for me to get it delivered.

That way I have more time to create the things I’m created to create.

“But how much is it going to cost?”

The truth is, it costs what it costs. I can allow fear to stop me even finding out, or I can proceed in wisdom and find out. I looked into it and it cost less than $10 to get it delivered.

You mean I can spend less than $10 and save ninety minutes of my time to do more things like this?

You’re telling me I can do something else to make more than $10, and help people? Sign me up right away.

If I never looked into it, I would have never known.

I could have said earlier that my book sells everyday to make myself look better, but that would be a lie.

There are people doing things like that to look good, because the person they’re copying sells books everyday. But you don’t need to. Enjoy where you are, enjoy your journey.

You Can Do So Much From Where You Are Now

I’m not trying to make myself look good. I’m showing you how accessible many of the things that will help you are, if you look into them. It will surprise you.

My wife loves to do grocery shopping. She likes to pick the right potatoes, onions, and eggs. I just want the potatoes, onion and eggs to show up 🙂 😛 😉 .

The problem is though, that takes a lot of time, and a lot of stress if you are with children. The baby needs to eat, then one is excited by some toy, it can get hectic fast. But she still loves to do it. I’ll talk about the children again in a minute.

But I persuaded her to have our food delivered. They pack the food, and drop the food to our door at the exact time we want.

It costs more to have groceries delivered, but the time and ease it provides for us to do other things is priceless.

These are steps anyone can take. But even if you think it’s out of reach, a game changer for me was a $2 decision that was massive for my family.

Before I tell you that, I want to talk about something that happened last year.

Every Problem Has Prosperity For You

Late last year our washing machine broke all of a sudden. Where most would focus on the cost to fix it, and would allow it to distract them, I know better now.

If you can change the focus, you can change the result. On a normal day, washing our five children’s clothes and ours takes a long time, and clothes hang all over until dry.

Then we have to fold them and put them away.

I told my wife to find a local laundromat to take our clothes. Find out how much it cost. She finds a local one which apparently does a drop off service.

I told her to do that right away. But she ended up taking the clothes and washing them herself for just over $10.

But that wasn’t what shocked me. The drop off service is only a few dollars more than washing them yourself.

I said next time, we need to take the drop off service. And that’s what we did. We dropped the clothes off in the morning at about 11.

A few hours later, we picked up our clothes. They were clean. But something else happened…

When we opened the bags at home, they were folded and ready to put away.

Washing clothes for a family of seven is no joke. If clothes can be washed, cleaned and folded without my wife doing any of that, yes please.

Look At BOTH Angles

Don’t just look at the cost. Look at the cost, and look at what you get for it. Do you know how much time, energy and space washing all those clothes takes us?

Is all of that worth the fee?

If that amount isn’t taking away from your family in a serious way, I’d be foolish not to do it. There are things you can look into right now that will not break your bank. But they will free you up to pursue your greatness.

The washing machine got fixed, but we still use the laundromat. It doesn’t make sense not to. The other day I was thinking about why I didn’t do this sooner. I was kicking myself. And then I remembered something from when I was a boy.

Back in the day my dad would take me and my brothers to the laundromat. We would drop off the clothes, then go to his shop and come and pick them up later.

I don’t remember my dad saying anything bad about a laundromat, but I’ve always had this belief that a laundromat is bad. But think about it, this all came out of a bad situation, a broken washing machine.

The solutions to change your life, are waiting. Waiting for you to open your eyes and see, instead of closing them and wishing them away.

All of these things will have people looking at you a certain way.

People Will Attack You & Then Praise You

I remember when we used to tell people we home-school. “Wait what? You Homeschool”

Then the pandemic hit and those looks went away fast.

I saw something on Twitter today I thought was great. The man has eight children and he said when the children were young, people would mock and insult.

But when they were older, they were encouraged and praised. He said something like, People mock you when you’re trying to build something great. But when it’s done they’ll praise you.

Focus on the great thing you’re building and let people do what they want from the sidelines.

Do you know one of the biggest reasons I didn’t start dressing the way I wanted to was fear of people’s reactions?

I was afraid people would think, I think I’m better than them. That’s a lot of thinking without any action.

At the start I got a lot of questions like, “where are you going?”.

Eventually they stopped.

Where did I get the idea that dressing a certain way would make people think, I think, I’m better than them?

I got it from Programming.

Faulty programming. Faulty programming is keeping your business from success.

And faulty programming will rob you of everything if you let it. If you don’t want that to happen, read my article about the stories we tell that are costing you sales.

Go Win And God Bless.



He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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