Joseph’s 3 Ms To Get More Views, More Money & Remain Faithful To God

Can you imagine what it will feel like when you make some content and thousands of people watch it?

Would you like to know exactly why you’re not able to make more money?

And the most important thing for me is not getting more views or making more money. But, how do I get thousands of more views, make more money, and still remain firm in my faith in God?

Today I’m going to show you how I do all three. And once you know this, it’s pretty automatic. It’s as simple as turning on your cooker, or playing a game.

A couple of months ago, I released a video about how to get faster results than ever before. I talked about the assembly line concept to success. I also talked about the game Township I had started playing.

The Assembly Line Concept: Lessons from Township

In the game, I plant on my patch of ground, and later, wheat, corn, and carrots grow. I take these crops to my factory, set the assembly line to make food for my cows, chickens, and sheep, and then feed the animals. While eating, the cows produce milk, the chickens produce eggs, and the sheep produce wool. Assembly line to successOnce the assembly line is set, it automatically produces food for the animals. I’m so confident in the process that I rarely wait around. I come back later to see the results.

Success works the same way. Success and failure are automatic. It all comes down to what you set your assembly line to, just like in Township.

The 3 Ms: Installing the Right Mindset, Message, and Moves

“But Israel, this isn’t a game, so how do I apply this to my life to get more views, make more money, and remain firm in my faith?”

Last month, I held a paid event where I walked through the concept called the 3 Ms. The 3 Ms are like the assembly line. Once installed, they automatically produce results—good or bad. Most people don’t have the 3 Ms installed the right way.

Today, you’re going to discover the 3 Ms so you can use them yourself. Every successful figure in the Bible used this principle.

The First M: Mindset

The first M you need to succeed is the most important. Like an assembly line, if you don’t have step one, you never make it to step three. Step three is where results come from, but there is no step three without step one.

The first M is like putting chicken in the oven and setting your cooker to 180 degrees Celsius (or 300 degrees Fahrenheit, gas mark six).

You expect the chicken to cook in about 90 minutes. If you came back after five minutes, it wouldn’t be ready. If you came back after five hours, it would be burnt to a crisp. That’s because the setting is automatic.

Mindset Example: FIFA vs Pro

I used to love playing games when I was younger, and my favourite game was FIFA.

“EA Sports, it’s in the game!”

If you know, you know. FIFA was the best football game, hands down. But then, a new game called Pro came out. Fifa Vs ProFIFA vs. Pro was like Mac vs. Windows or Apple vs. Android.

For those who know, Pro wasn’t the one. The players looked funny, and it didn’t have the official player names unless you downloaded and uploaded a file. Yet, it started to stick.

One of my friends took the Pro pill and bought it. 😮 

At my friend’s house, I would play Pro, but I always set the controller settings to FIFA buttons. That way, I played Pro as if it were FIFA. It was automatic.

Mindset Sets the Stage for Success

The first M is Mindset. It’s like setting the oven, or changing the controller settings in a game.

Whatever your mind is set to, it will automatically produce results.

That’s why the Bible says, “Renew your mind.”

My mind is set to winner, abundance, and power. So, my assembly line automatically produces those results.

When my mindset was negative—thinking no one would watch my videos—that’s exactly what happened. But now, my mindset is set to success, so I record every video like hundreds of thousands of people will watch it.

And guess what? It’s only a matter of time before they do. Because it prepares me for the 2nd M.

The Second M: Message

Once you have the right mindset, the assembly line moves to station two: Message.

In the Bible, Joseph is a great example of this. He was his father Jacob’s favourite son and had a magnificent coat. But what truly set him apart was his belief that God made anything possible. Not the coat, and not his favoured position.

Joseph’s mindset was correct, and that led to his message. No matter if he was in his father’s house or in prison, his message stayed the same. He moved masses with his message, that came from his Maker. And it’s the same thing you must do.

The Third M: Moves

Now we move to the third M. When you have the right mindset and message, you now move to station three: Moves. This is where success is produced. Once my mind is set to winning, and the messages I speak align with winning, the moves I make are automatic. Like the assembly line, it just produces.

A great way to set your mindset for victory and abundance is to tell yourself better stories. And that’s why I encourage you to read my article on the stories you tell that cost you the sell.

Go win, and God bless winners!



He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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