Israel Ikhinmwin’s Mind Blowing Health Transformation!

God bless, Israel Ikhinmwin here. I’m going to share the Biblical way to lose weight without going to the gym every day!

Good health is great to have. For yourself, family, and everything you do. I can’t think of a bad reason to have good health. This is one reason I’m so excited to share this with you today.

Are you tired of jumping from program to program, losing weight for a while, then putting it back on again? Tired of starting a diet, losing weight, only to put it back on later in the year? Israel Ikhinmwin loses 40 pounds in 150 daysI’m going to show you the Biblical way to get in the best shape of your life. When my best friend saw me after losing all the weight, he said this was how I looked when I was fifteen.

This method is all based on the Bible, without going to the gym every day. In fact, I didn’t do any exercise. I was able to lose over 40lbs in less than 6 months, 5 years ago, and still look like this today.

Israel Ikhinmwin’s 3 Keys

I’m going to share three things in this post:

  • A Bible verse that unlocked everything.
  • Strategies I used found in the Bible.
  • What I do today.

I’ll also talk about how to make these changes when family or friends are not ready, and it feels like they’re working against you.

From the beginning, if you’re reading this, this is not personal. I’m not trying to attack you. I was once out of shape and know exactly how it feels. This is me giving God glory for empowering me to overcome this challenge of mine. So many people are going through the same things, so I know this will help you.

My Recent Experience

Before I get to the first thing, let’s start with something that happened recently.

I’ve been in these kinds of situations several times. I was with a group of Christians who were talking about losing weight. I was part of the conversation, but not one of the main speakers.

As the conversation went from one person to the next, people gave ideas about the key to losing weight.

One person would say it’s all about doing exercise. You just have to get consistent with exercise, and the weight will drop off.

Exercise is helpful, but I’m not speaking about exercising today.

To lose weight, you need to make sure you move. Keep moving, and the weight will fall off.

It went on like this.

The Missing Key

I’m not against any of the answers that came up. They all have a positive impact. But there was one thing I didn’t hear.

This isn’t even the secret I’m going to give you, but it was kind of obvious. I didn’t hear anyone say it though. Like I said, I was in the conversation partly.

But nobody mentioned food. It’s the most obvious answer many don’t talk about enough. And that’s before even getting to the Bible.

Because let’s be truthful, most know, if they start eating well, their bodies will transform pretty fast.

The Best Way to Get in Shape

My way to lose weight is not the only way. But it’s the best way to get in shape, stay in shape, and never look back. Especially if you’re a Christian.

But that wasn’t the thing that was most shocking about this conversation.

Everyone knew where I’d come from health-wise. But no one asked me what I did. I’m not giving out ideas, I have something that will transform your body if you follow it.

They had the answers right in front of them, but instead of pursuing it, they went a different direction. This is exactly what it’s like for many Christians. They have the answers in the Bible right in front of them but don’t use them to their advantage.

This is why this content exists.

You will see how to use God’s secrets to success in the Bible, for all areas of your life.

Using Biblical Secrets to Your Advantage

I’ve planned to make this post for a while, but I’m tired of seeing these conversations happen over and over again. So as I show you step one now, don’t be someone who goes in the wrong direction.

Use these secrets to your advantage. Because this is the complete opposite of what you hear from most people in the health and fitness space. And that’s why so many people don’t transform their bodies.

The Key Bible Verse

So this is a passage from 1st Timothy. 1st Timothy 4:8 says,

“For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”

This is the complete opposite of what you hear from most in health and fitness.

How many have sold you on this new special routine that will transform your body? Don’t get me wrong, I’m not against exercise, I’m not against going to the gym. But what I’m for is, putting things in their rightful place, and prospering because of it.

Jesus was healthy and in good shape, but he wasn’t going to the gym 3-5 times a week to stay like that.

Based on this passage, if a workout or gym strategy is the main thing in my quest to get in shape, I’m going to fail.

There are people who are, as we say, “gym rats.” But they’re not the norm. Most cannot do this in a consistent way.

Step One: Israel Ikhinmwin’s Biblical Commitment

So my first step 5 years ago was important. I decided, anything I’m doing must be Biblical, because that will get me the best results for the long run.

Not for a summer trip where I need to starve myself to look good for pictures or something like that. Just saying. We’ve all been there, including me.

I’m not against the gym or exercise, don’t make it the main thing though. Unless you’re  a professional athlete, there’s no reason for you to go to the gym 5 times a week.

The Other Half of the Verse

If we look at the other half of the verse in Timothy again, it says,

but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come.”

Being Godly is profitable in everything. That means, behaving Godly will benefit me in everything I do, in this life, but also in eternity.

Step Two: Godly Practices

Let me walk you through one of the Godly things I did. Because it’s the 2nd step to transforming your body for the long term. I had these thoughts in my mind of all the times I’d lost weight in the past, only to fail.

All the times I’d gone on a diet and changed my eating, only to switch it up eventually.

I’m looking at this obstacle and know based on previous evidence, I cannot do this.

I’m looking at my oldest daughter Anna who experienced a lot of our bad eating habits in the beginning. I’m scared she is going to go down the same path as me.

I’ve led her to this bad environment, and if I don’t fix this, anything that happens to her health-wise in the future is on me.

God holds me responsible as her father. But if we’re already here, I’ve failed every single time before, it’s inevitable I will fail again.

These were the thoughts that were over me. I was afraid. But I realized something big in that season.

There’s this big problem in front of me that’s bigger than me, I cannot defeat. But God is bigger than the obstacle I cannot defeat.

Relying on God’s Strength

At that moment I realized, I need to go from trying in my own strength, to doing in God’s strength. Share on X

I had to change my frame of thinking to win the game I was living. Because as a Christian, if God is not bigger and stronger than a weight problem, I’m in trouble. So my frame turned from my own strength, to God’s strength.

I’ve told the story of me sitting at my dining table one day where things changed for me a few times in the past.

On this particular day, I was sitting down and this passage rushed to mind. It’s in Luke 18 about a widow woman. I’m not going to go there, but, Jesus reveals one way to receive from God. The thing he shares in that chapter is the power of persistent prayer.

It hit me at that dining table… If I want to receive from God, I must use the strategies He gives me to prosper.

Persistent Prayer

So I decided! I’m going to pray every day about my health. I grew up with a praying mum. My mum saying “let’s pray” could turn into all-night prayer, or a short prayer turning into 30 minutes. If you know, you know.

But I’m not saying that’s bad. But you don’t need to do that. I prayed simple prayers that were one minute or less. Sometimes even as short as 10 seconds. It was no longer about exercise for me, but Godly strategies that would give me success.

How to Pray for Weight Loss

But this is the problem. Most people don’t know how to pray. And most don’t know how to pray Biblically. If I asked people, if you were praying to lose weight what would you pray, most would say things like…

“Lord, ah, I need to lose weight, ah, help me go to the gym, ha, give me the beach body I’ve always wanted, ah, and let that person see me and be drooling all. Erm, scratch that last piece out. In Jesus’ name Amen.” 🙂 😀 😆 

Israel Ikhinmwin, did you really just do that?

But in all seriousness, they won’t know how to pray to get results. I didn’t pray for a 6-pack, I didn’t pray for big muscles. I didn’t pray for people to drool over me.

Praying for God’s Help

Every day, most of the time when I wake up, I would pray for things I knew God would answer.

For example, I didn’t like bread, chips, and crisps a lot. It wasn’t that little, I was a glutton. And gluttony is a sin.

One morning I’d pray something like,

“Lord, help me avoid gluttony today. Help me overcome by the power of your Spirit that lives in me, in Jesus’ name Amen.”

Another morning I’d pray,

“God, help me eat food that gives me life and doesn’t kill me like you’ve desired for your people, since the Garden of Eden. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

Another time, morning, afternoon, or evening, it doesn’t matter, I would pray…

“Lord, help me eat food that brings you glory and doesn’t dishonour you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.”

He doesn’t want me to sin, eat deadly food, or dishonour Him.

Could you imagine one of God’s children praying to God, help me avoid sinning, but God not answering? That makes no sense.

Those are the kind of prayers I made every day, and over the next 6 months, I didn’t work out once. My body transformed.

You will notice God doing things to help you. And as you take that help, things will change for you. Eating habits changed, drinking habits changed. I grew in wisdom around health. God could do a miracle and transform your body, but that is not the norm.

Don’t be afraid to go on the journey with Him, because it will turn out for your good. Persistent prayer was one secret. And this is one area of life.

Challenges with Family and Friends

I’ll be honest, I’ve shared some of the challenges you will face, but a big one most face is family and friends. Your friends and family love you. But when you change in this way, they are not always ready.

Our whole family was set up in a way to eat certain food. It’s hard to change that for everyone. So as much as I wanted to change things as I was ready to change, I didn’t always do it.

I learned, showing the change would be the best example to create belief for others. Be the change, so it’s undeniable.

Building Trust Through Action

I like how Dr. Myron Golden says, “you can’t trust yourself because you’ve heard every lie you’ve ever told.” I like to say, “you can’t trust yourself because you’ve heard every lie you’ve ever told. And your spouse has heard most of them too.

My wife heard me many times say this is it, I’m getting in shape. She heard me say many times, I’m changing the food I eat. If I couldn’t overcome my own obstacle because it was so big, others will find it hard to believe as well. They may not be open and say it to you, but it makes sense.

Why would someone believe you about this, if every other time in the past you’ve failed? It was hard at times to eat different food to my children, or to eat a different amount of snacks than everyone else.

Or even different snacks altogether. But as time went on, I created belief among others, because the results were undeniable.

You Can Do It Winner

When people ask me how to lose weight, how to get in better shape, this is the kind of answer I give them.

After years of staying in shape, I do exercise in the morning, but nothing longer than 10-15 minutes. But this wasn’t based on my health, but supporting a family friend I love dearly.

It kind of stuck after a while, but I know if I ever stop, nothing will change in a major way. Because that is not what keeps me in good shape.

This showed you how most get tricked into staying sick, overweight, and demoralized. What you must do is the opposite of everyone else.

This way, you get the result many say they want, but only a few get. That’s why you should learn how the System does the same thing to keep people poor and enslaved.

Go Win & God Bless.

Israel Ikhinmwin

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He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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