Generational wealth

If you become wealthy, you give your offspring a better chance to become and to also maintain wealth. We can see this principle from the Bible. Wealth transfer doesn’t mean you are guaranteed but it gives you a good opportunity. Abraham was promised to be a father of many, he was also promised wealth for his offspring and this became true. As well as Abraham having much wealth and cattle and herds, he was a good man and had good friendly, business relations with other people.

Isaac was invested in by Abraham very much as we read in Genesis and this put him on a platform to be even greater. When we read about Isaac, we see how Isaac was great just like Abraham. Isaac was great just like his father because the same principles his father lived by, he did so as well. He served God from heart and heeded the words God spoke to him. When looking for somewhere to stay, God told Isaac not to go down to Egypt but to stay where the famine was and he did so. While others lost their belongings etc as a famine would do, Isaac was reaping 100 fold. This was down to his obedience and wisdom.

Others told Isaac to leave because he was becoming too great. Isaac made a covenant with people and he obeyed them. He didn’t try to double-cross people, he was solely looking to help others. If you today can make a choice to help your children, why wouldn’t you take it?  


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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