Fasting key #5

Fasting helps us wait on God

Paul, after having his Damascus road experience went and waited by commandment of Jesus, for a man he would send (Acts 9). During this time Paul ate no food, nor consumed any drink. Paul didn’t seem to be contentious at this point, neither did he seem to worry himself with things which were not substantially important at this time. Paul was concerned about drawing closer to God and waiting for him to act. The new life he was going to lead was far more important than temporal experience. Try working during a day, not being concerned with food and drink and see what God does for you (Matthew 6). There are points in life, I feel weary or somewhat similar and feeling and I just remind myself “God knows.” anything we think God has seen it already. God knows we need food and drink because he created us this way. To think otherwise would be perhaps immature and unbelieving on our part. An individual does not even need to indicate to God he is hungry as God prepares for us at times before we even suggest things.

Fasting key#1
Fasting key#2
Fasting key#3
Fasting key#4


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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