Family Isn’t Enough

Ruth, the book entails many great lessons for a believer in Christ. The mere story of how we even come to know a virtuous woman named Ruth is enough to praise the Lord for. That being said, we should thank the Lord because Ruth player her role in the genealogy of Christ. Thank you Ruth, for putting god first. 

The book of Ruth depicts a family being migrated from Judah-Moab. This migration was due to the current famine in the land at the times of the judges. Why a famine? The book of Ruth succeeds judges and what is evident, is the way in which Israel would turn away from god and then punishment would could upon them. Oppression was a constant and It wouldn’t be surprising if famine was on the list too. Three men and women left for Moab and two women returned. As the great story unfolds it is clear that the whole time Ruth is the person to focus on. Ruth portrayed something that many today have lost sight of. Ruth was living in her hometown and she left ALL to follow what she believed in. family, friends, religion, nativity. All that was before her, she placed behind her. The significance of this is even highlighted in the fact that her sister in law ran back to enjoy her life because she didn’t want to leave it. Ruth is credited for believing in God by people and we see what she left all for.

For some people, leaving a job is enough to satisfy God, for some a house, for some a town, for some a life. This article is not based on what other people do but is created to ask the reader the question, what about you? focusing on others will only limit you, even though they might be higher than you. what would you give up for what you believe. It’s not necessarily about who can go the furthest, longest or hardest, it’s about you. who’s face do you see in the mirror when you look their? Is it your face or another’s?

Family is never enough to stop you reaching your potential. Their comes a time in life you need to break out and live, this may mean leaving some people behind or carrying some people with you. One thing it does mean action.

Ruth was an example of what someone should do but remember she wasn’t the bar. One has a bar for themselves to reach.

Whatever you leave for give it your best. Planning has to stop at some point. Action takes over.

God Bless


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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1 Response

  1. September 19, 2012

    […] Contacts ← Family Isn’t Enough […]

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