Dust off the dirt

The way to success is simple. It takes hard work and determination, it takes experience and it takes long-suffering. Being able to look adversity in the face and say I defeated you and I am still alive. This is what separates losers from winners. A loser will overreact in a situation, while a winner knows exactly what is going on and keeps moving forward. We live in a world where people and opportunity is unforgiving. We have to take what we want by force and this does not mean breaking the law.

Jesus described the Kingdom of God as something which should be fought for, something which should be taken by force. If you are not willing to fight for what is yours, there is no point. Give your all, and all means life included. Go to death for the cause as it means you really believe it. Let us take people who perceive themselves to be martyrs for a cause and take others lives, Although the action may be wrong, they are doing what they believe in their hearts to be right in most cases. 

I don’t condone violence on others illegitimately, I am one who always tries to strive for perfection. Set your sights on the best and expect nothing less. Be a person who has a vision and then start to live your vision. Taste it, feel it, grab onto it and it will come unto you. This blog is nearly two years in the making and I remember before I even wrote one blog post, I could see something. When I got there, I looked even further and continue to do so. A vision is real because you have experience it.


Dream Big… 


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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