Deuteronomy 17 14-20: Bible Minor to Bible Master

In this article, I will show how Deuteronomy 17:14-20 can help you transition from being a Bible minor, to becoming a Bible Master. This is part of a journey through the Bible that will transform your life as a Christian in all four areas of life: mental, physical, Spiritual, and social.

I will give you a step-by-step case through the Bible in this new series, to show why Bible mastery is crucial.

Bible minor to Bible Master

Misconceptions about Bible Mastery

Before I start, I will address some misconceptions about Bible Mastery. And I will explain what Bible Mastery is.

If you think you cannot become (or remain) a Bible Master, for any of the following reasons below, don’t worry.

  • I’m not a scholar
  • Too young/old
  • Bible Mastery is too advanced for me
  • The Bible is irrelevant to me in the 21st century
  • Bible Mastery will be too expensive
  • Struggle to read (or cannot read)
  • Fear of failure
  • And so much more

misconception about Bible Mastery

I will show you Bible Mastery is achievable, regardless of your background or circumstance. And this is something God desires you to pursue.

What Is Bible Mastery?

Bible Mastery is making a decision to learn more of God’s Word every day, and apply it in all 4 areas of life, for the best result possible.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20

Today, I will look at Deuteronomy 17:14-20.

Deuteronomy 17:14-20

Although this passage discusses the king of Israel in it’s original historical context, it contains practical steps for us as Christians today. I will show you the verses and break them down step by step. And show you the practical applications you can implement today.

Deuteronomy 17:14

Deuteronomy 17:14

In verse 14, God shows us He knows the future. Because He says things like “when you are come“, and “you shall say“. And this is God predicting what the Israelites will do. Why is this relevant to Bible Mastery you may ask?

Imagine a coach giving you a playbook in advance with all the sets & strategies to win the game. This is what God does with the Bible.

He gave the Israelites as this verse shows, and He’s given to you the playbook to win in the game. You must use the Bible as your guide to navigate your present circumstance, as you progress into the future.

Deuteronomy 17:15

In verse 15, God instructs the Israelites to choose a king from among their brothers.Deuteronomy 17:15

One of the clear reasons God said this was because a fellow brother would know & follow God’s statutes & laws.

As Christians, we should also seek leaders in our churches & fellowships who are Christians. And Christians who know and follow God’s teachings.

If you are part of a fellowship, don’t be led by someone who does not know the Word. And especially if they are not applying God’s Word, watch out.

Deuteronomy 17:16-17

God advises the king not to focus on multiplying wealth. And God instructs the king to avoid multiplying wives.

Deuteronomy 17:16

Deuteronomy 17:17

Because when you are so focused on getting more things, you put yourself in the position to turn away from the Lord. And this is a great place to mention King Solomon. Because he had 1000 wives and concubines in total.

Instead of living your life in this way, knowing and applying more of God’s Word mentally, physically, Spiritually and socially, will put you in the best position to win. Because you will be following the playbook God has given you to win.

Deuteronomy 17:18

God says the king should write a copy of the law. And this is important because it required the king to spend time going through God’s Word. If the king’s mindset is always to acquire more wealth, spouses, or enjoyments, they will take a carnal path and turn away from God.

Deuteronomy 17:18

We don’t even need to copy the Word of God today (but I’m sure it’s still be beneficial for you to do). Because we are not lacking copies of the Bible. And we have Bibles in abundance.

You probably carry multiple Bibles with you in your pocket (on your phone) whenever you go out right? And you have Bible’s today you don’t even have to pick up and read.

The audio Bible is something we can enjoy today too. But verse 18 really sets us up for the main point of emphasis in this passage today.

Deuteronomy 17:19-20

Verse 19 says the copy the king writes shall be with him, and he shall read it all the days of his life.

Deuteronomy 17:19

This will help him learn to fear the Lord, by giving him necessary honour. One of the 7 steps (step 5) to success I shared recently was all about this.

By going back to the Word of God daily, this helps you remember it, and do it. It is essential to your success to read the Word of God every day and keep it in your mind.

Applying the Word of God

You must know what the Word of God says on different scenarios in life, to walk out what the Lord has for you mentally, physically, Spiritually, and socially.

Staying Humble

Deuteronomy 17:20The king should not be proud, or turn to the right or to the left. When you read God’s Word regularly and apply it to your life, you will stay on track. And this also helps you not to think of yourself as better than anyone else. We are all made in God’s image. And it only takes reading the first page in the Bible to know this.

But it’s amazing how many people have failed at this basic lesson.

Final Thoughts On Deuteronomy 17:14-20

Following God’s Word in your mental, physical, Spiritual, and social life, will put you in the best position to succeed for a longer period in time.

This is why reading and applying the Word of God is crucial for you as a Christian.

To become a Bible Master, you must focus on learning and following God’s playbook more and more each day. Seek leaders who follow God’s teachings, and avoid focusing on excessive material gain. By doing so, you will transform your life in all four areas of your life: mental, physical, Spiritual, and social. Until next time.

God Bless.

Click below If you would like to watch the accompanying video.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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