Category: Daily Ministration


Every day God gives us something more valuable than Gold. The sad thing is, most treat this gift like something less than the lowest form of currency in their respected countries. Adding to this...

God is faithful 0

God is faithful

God is a very faithful person. When God said he is going to do something, he means it and he does it. Reading through the first few chapters in 1 Kings, what we see...


The importance of today…

One thing I like about reading people’s books, is seeing the scripture inside them, although many do not quote them. I’m reading a book currently which places much emphasis on TODAY. The whole book in...


I was listening to something recently and the theme of he message was creating a new story. One of the examples was how often do you pick a film to watch and you always basically go...

Saints 0


For those of us who are New Testament believers, saved by grace and engrafted in as children of faith. We not only have the New Testament writings, we have the Old Testament too. A...

Evolution… 0


All hinges on the resurrection of Christ. In the 15th chapter of I Corinthians Paul asks some important questions. If Christ isn’t risen, our sins are not forgiven and we are destined to die. If he is...

Godly perspective 0

Godly perspective

I was at a bus-stop recently waiting for a bus and in meditation with God. I came to thinking about the way people dress and what God thought about it. Imagine a white knitted...

Liberality 0


Liberality is an issue we all go through. Am I free, or am I a slave? Christ said he came to set the captives free, why are so many believers bound today (Luke 4:18)?...