Category: Bible

Fasting key #8 0

Fasting key #8

Daily Ministration     Fasting equals results Summing up here, I want to first highlight all previous keys which resulted in results from God. In the Book of Daniel, we see that this was...

Fasting key #7 0

Fasting key #7

Daily Ministration Fasting is answered by God In the book of Nehemiah, chapter 9, we see the assembling of the children of Israel. They gathered to fast and confess their sins before God. The...

Fasting key #5 0

Fasting key #5

Fasting helps us wait on God Paul, after having his Damascus road experience went and waited by commandment of Jesus, for a man he would send (Acts 9). During this time Paul ate no...

Fasting key #4 0

Fasting key #4

Fasting is one of two unbelief killers in certain situations Moving on to Matthew 17, we pick up at verse 14. This encounter is largely misinterpreted in the world, and by God’s Spirit and...

Fasting key #3 0

Fasting key #3

Fasting should not be forced  Jesus had just called Matthew to follow him, and was sitting in a house where publicans and sinners came to dwell (Matthew 9).  The Pharisees saw this and were...

Key to fasting #2 13

Key to fasting #2

Fasting is for God alone Many times in life I’ve been told to fast and not felt to in my heart and just gone through the motion, this isn’t  something we should dabble in....

Keys to Fasting 0

Keys to Fasting

Fasting is one of those things I feel funny talking about, maybe because fasting is something we shouldn’t be shouting from the rooftops. That being said, I mean when in fasting, we are not...