Permit me time to speak
The book of Job is very self explanatory in my opinion. The first few chapters layout the narrative. Something I considered however in pondering, was that although we understand through the first few chapters,...
The book of Job is very self explanatory in my opinion. The first few chapters layout the narrative. Something I considered however in pondering, was that although we understand through the first few chapters,...
Have you ever wondered why it was later in the first week of mankind’s creation that God decided to create man? God created for us a blueprint. I was listening to something recently and...
Sodom was an economical hub of its day. Sort of like London today, or New York, Hong kong, Japan or even Sydney. Many wealthy people migrated to Sodom because the geographical location proved to...
When I consult with God and seek his counsel, God could reply tome instantly or take time to respond. When he does finally counsel me, what I have is a piece of information which...
When God asks you a question he doesn’t ask for his personal archive of information. For example, God called out ‘where art thou?’ to someone he knew was hiding. The reason God asks questions,...
God made it clear to Moses that he was a jealous God, the only one of his kind. Many other gods were not interested in if they alone were the ones who were worshipped....
I’ve never been one to promote suicide, euthanasia or anything alike. This article has nothing to do with the above. This article has nothing to do with those things, and all to do with letting things go....
Reading recently has brought me to a place. I’ve been thinking long and hard about how long this service to God goes? If this service goes beyond life on earth then it is an eternal vocation....
Being in God’s place is what we have to do when we follow him. If we are faithful to his word, he his faithful to uphold his side of the bargain. God asks us...
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