When Jesus Said you could move mountains
Life is what you make it! I started like this for the following reason, for the past two days the same thing has happened to me and the same ending has been the result....
Life is what you make it! I started like this for the following reason, for the past two days the same thing has happened to me and the same ending has been the result....
The way to success is simple. It takes hard work and determination, it takes experience and it takes long-suffering. Being able to look adversity in the face and say I defeated you and I...
Yesterday was an article based on investing. I went through several characteristics some have when we refer to investing. I pretty much finished off my article, using Isaac as an example. Isaac sowed and...
The problem I have seen in my life previously and seen in many others is the concept of investment. Some people really misunderstand what is going on and their lives show. There are three...
If you become wealthy, you give your offspring a better chance to become and to also maintain wealth. We can see this principle from the Bible. Wealth transfer doesn’t mean you are guaranteed but...
Investing can be a hard thing to do at times, as you wonder which things are best. We have the opportunity to invest in several things but what do we choose. We may be...
Did you know it is scientifically proven, a place in our minds responds to what we say. We don’t need science to prove something is right, however more and more people need to hear...
Do I have a sense I urgency, a question I asked myself this morning. No is the answer, too relaxed, too comfortable, too laisse faire. Don’t hide it, don’t make excuses…deal with it. Show...
Today’s an update with several testimonies. I wake up and my alarm hasn’t gone off. God has a sense of humor, he wakes me up before my alarm goes off in the morning. I...
Good morning, There is nothing wrong with some morning wisdom, I want to do something with mine though, I want to experiment with it I want to see what it looks like in action....
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