Be a servant

Daily ministration

In my reading recently, God was showing me again what it means to be a servant and offer your service. I was reading about a man named Nehemiah who was a servant of a king in a foreign land. His people had been taken captive and he had become the king’s cupbearer. One day after hearing of all the bad stuff, which had been happening back in his homeland, he showed a unique appearance to the king. An appearance so unique the king was moved to ask him what was the matter. From my reading, it seemed that Nehemiah had never before shown his feelings this way, hence why the king spoke to him. Nehemiah complained, my homeland is laying desolate and the people are oppressed let me go and build stability and then return.

Imagine someone who was imprisoned, saying “let me out to help build a city and then I will come back.” As I read through some of the passages, it began to dawn on me that Nehemiah was a servant for his cause. Nehemiah showed true leadership by his service. Somewhat like Joseph the son of Israel – being held in prison, when he was finally released into power, he had the opportunity to flourish in the midst of turbulence.

The great leaders of old, have all learned to serve first.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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