A new month, a new opportunity

First and foremost, I give thanks to the God of Heaven, who richly bestows upon us time to do as we please. As the new month progresses, I’m thankful of the last month He has given me and the new month I will taste daily. A new month provides us with a new opportunity, the new opportunity is to have a better month than last month. I am up for the challenge! If you think about this…Every month you enter a competition, the competition is with self, as you should not be running Vs anyone else. You aim to better every month. it will only take a few months for you to be performing at your best ever levels. What happens next is you step into new levels of productivity which if compounded will produce the best results you have ever seen.

I will take this challenge with you, starting today. Today is the first day, I decided to start thinking about each month like this so don’t say it is ever too late to start. While there is an opportunity, there is time to move forward. What will you do with this month I may ask myself, I know I am not going to waste it. I know what one month of productivity can do, and you can to if never experienced in thirty one days, join with me. The significant thing about today and this month is that nothing else matters. Yesterday is gone and buried, tomorrow is not promised so don’t live like it. Today is the gold so treat it like it. Would you put a piece of gold in the bin? So don’t put your day in the bin thirty one times this month if you have the chance.

God Bless.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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