The BAD Reason He Left Christianity For Islam That Backfired!

Some people leave Christianity for Islam, convinced they have found stronger historical and theological foundations. However, some conversions are based on flawed reasoning, misinformation, or selective study. 

This is the story of a former Christian preacher who converted to Islam after reading pamphlets that questioned the reliability of the Bible.

Ironically, the very arguments that led him to Islam also expose serious issues within Islam itself, creating what is known as the Islamic dilemma.  

A man handing out pamphlets.A Muslim Friend’s Influence and the Islamic Dilemma

The preacher describes how his journey to Islam began with conversations with a Muslim friend. Instead of direct debates, his friend would hand him pamphlets on Comparative Religion, subtly planting doubts in his mind.

One pamphlet in particular focused on the historicity of the Bible, questioning whether it was truly the Word of God.

At first, his faith remained strong. He had grown up believing in the Bible’s truth, studying it, and actively participating in church. However, after reading the pamphlet, he began questioning who wrote the Bible, how it was formed, and whether its transmission was reliable.

These questions led him down a path of skepticism. But what he failed to realize at the time was that the same questions could—and should—be asked of the Quran.   

One major problem with the pamphlet’s argument is that the Quran itself affirms the Bible as the Word of God. Nowhere in the Quran does it state that the Bible has been corrupted. In fact, the Quran repeatedly calls the Torah, the Psalms, and the Gospel divine revelations.  

“And let the People of the Gospel judge by what Allah has revealed therein. And whoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed—it is they who are the defiantly disobedient.” – Surah 5:47  

If the Bible was corrupt at the time of Muhammad, why does the Quran command Christians to judge by it? This presents a major contradiction. 

A closeup image of the New Testament in the Holy Bible.A Double Standard on Historical Evidence  

One of the preacher’s biggest concerns was the lack of original Aramaic manuscripts of the New Testament. He claimed that since Jesus spoke Aramaic, the Scriptures should have been recorded in that language.

However, this argument overlooks a key reason for the New Testament being written in Greek—Jesus commanded His followers to spread the Gospel to all nations.

In Matthew 28:19-20, Jesus gives the Great Commission:

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Greek was the most widely spoken and understood language in the Roman Empire at the time. Writing the New Testament in Greek ensured that the message of salvation could spread far beyond Israel to the rest of the world.

This is no different from how English functions today as a global language. If someone in China or Africa wanted their book to reach the largest audience, they would likely write it in English.

Ironically, Islam places heavy emphasis on Arabic, even though the majority of Muslims worldwide do not speak or understand it fluently. Many memorize and recite the Quran in Arabic without comprehending its meaning.

Likewise, Islamic historians documented Muhammad’s life more than 100 years after his death, yet Muslims accept these accounts without question.

The New Testament writers chose Greek to ensure that as many people as possible could understand it, fulfilling Jesus’ command to spread the Gospel across all nations.

An image of the Quran.The Illusion of Quranic Preservation  

As the preacher grew more doubtful about Christianity, he embraced Islam, believing in the Quran’s perfect preservation.

His teachers claimed that the Quran remained unchanged, written in Arabic during Muhammad’s time, and identical ever since. However, scrutiny reveals that this claim does not hold up.

“Do they not consider the Quran (with care)? Had it been from other than Allah, they would surely have found therein much discrepancy.” – Surah 4:82  

Muslims often claim the Quran has only one version, yet historical records tell a different story. The Islamic sources themselves describe multiple conflicting recitations, which led to disputes among early Muslims.

These disagreements became so severe that the third caliph, Uthman Ibn Affan, burned variant copies of the Quran to standardize one version.  

If the argument against Christianity is based on differences between manuscripts, then Islam faces the same, if not greater, challenges. Only they destroyed all the evidence.

Another common claim against the Bible is that no two manuscripts are identical. While this sounds concerning at first, it is a misleading statement.

The vast majority of differences in Biblical manuscripts are minor spelling errors, word order changes, or copyist mistakes that do not affect doctrine.  

For example, if one manuscript says, “Jesus Christ” and another says, “Christ Jesus,” this is a difference, but it does not change the meaning of the text. The core message remains intact.  

This criticism also backfires on the Quran. Muslim scholars admit that there are different Quranic recitations, leading to variations in wording. If textual variations disprove Christianity, then Islam faces the same issue.  

The Forgotten Books Argument 

As the preacher continued studying, he discovered that Catholic and Protestant Bibles contain different numbers of books in the Old Testament.

As he examined this fact alongside other ancient writings, he concluded that scribes had removed certain books from the Bible and that Christianity lacked a unified Scripture.

However, this argument ignores two key points. The disputed books are in the Old Testament, not the New Testament. There is no debate among Christians about the 27 books of the New Testament.

Islam has an even bigger issue—Sunni and Shia Muslims disagree on which hadiths (a collection of oral accounts and reports about the words and actions of the Islamic prophet Muhammad) are authentic, leading to significant theological differences.

Disagreements over religious texts challenge a faith’s credibility, which equally discredits Islam. This is so laughable coming from a Muslim scholar. Especially when the most learned Quran reciters argued about how many chapters the Quran had.

(The very people Muhammad said learn the Quran from.)

Could you imagine John, Matthew & Peter disagreeing about which books are Biblical in the New Testament?”

In the end, the preacher applies arguments against Christianity that also expose flaws in Islam. Questioning the Bible’s historicity requires applying the same scrutiny to the Quran.

Scholars often cite manuscript variations as evidence of corruption, yet Islam faces the same textual challenges. Critics use disagreements over the Scripture to discredit Christianity, but Islam experiences similar divisions, raising the same concerns.

He left Christianity because he believed it lacked solid historical backing. Yet, had he applied the same level of scrutiny to Islam, he would have encountered even greater issues. His conversion was based on incomplete information and one-sided arguments. 

Examining Truth with Equal Standards  

This story highlights the importance of critically examining religious claims with the same level of scrutiny. Anyone questioning Christianity’s historical foundation should apply the same scrutiny to Islam, as the same arguments often disprove it even more.

To learn more about why this Christian preacher left Christianity for Islam, read my previous article here.




He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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