NINE ways to draw closer

This month’s blog chain topic for Christian writers is the number nine. I am choosing this opportunity and will discuss several different ways to draw closer to the king. There are many ways which I could discuss but I will choose a selected few and discuss briefly.

The first way I want to look into is prayer. To be prayerful is a clear way to move closer to God. The Bible says in Psalms that if we call on God in the troublesome times, then we will glorify him after he has delivered us. When captured by the town authorities in Philippi (Acts), at midnight Paul and Silas prayed to the king of the heavens and rejoiced. This was a time when God’s followers needed help and may have been weary. I have learned that in times of need are somewhat the best times to worship God.

Secondly, fellowship is vital for growth in God. Hebrews says we shouldn’t forsake the assembling of the brethren. This means we should be joyful and not shun meeting with likeminded believers. In the times of Acts, disciples loved to be with each other. In the book of Acts there was a specific time when they met together on the first day of the week and broke bread. Now you don’t have to meet up on Sunday, and you don’t even need to break bread but this is a clear example of a group who were willing and joyous to celebrate together.

The third example I want to discuss is worship. With no real specific example in mind, I highlight how many people offered up sacrifices in the Old Testament as an offering to the Lord. This was a sign of worship and humbleness. Abel was accepted because he was willing to worship the way God desired. Cain was only willing to show his worship through his own ways. What we do is vital to whether or not God accepts our worship. In Isaiah, God shows us that we may be in the motion of worship, but God is not willing to accept it. One thing I have recently learned is that God does not need to accept our worship. The two examples above show us this truth and we must be mindful.

Studying is the next useful technique. Paul told Timothy to study to show himself approved (2 Timothy). The importance of study is vital in our salvation, I have seen so many people experience God’s goodness for them to walk away due to a lack of study. When people who oppose Christ question you, they invoke doubt if you do not have knowledge. When someone imposes their belief in a calculated way, you are vulnerable to being deceived. This is why Jesus told us to be watchful and beware of wolves in sheep’s clothing (Gospel of Matthew).

Waiting is also essential! Whether this be for rebuke or praise. The example I love so much in regards to waiting, is the prophet Habakkuk. The way in which Habakkuk was diligent to wait for his maker can show us how important waiting on God really is. He knew that he was being reproved but still decided to show the right mentality. Many people can’t wait for God and choose to make rash decisions in life. To wait on God is essential. Psalms 37 teaches us to be patient and wait on the Lord. We should rest in him the Word says, to be a waiter is good at times.

To testify to others is more than we think it is. We give others wisdom which we have experienced so they do not need to make similar mistakes we did. We also make them better, earlier. One reason I feel Paul was chosen to be an apostle was the impact he could have through testimony. Being able to say you have killed a man, or woman or child, and then to say I’ve been reformed shows real ample example. To know someone can come back from that lifestyle shows the power of God and that we can change too.

The Bible says in Hebrews that Faith is what God looks for in us. And that we should believe he is who he said he is, and he rewards the diligent kingdom seekers. Believing in what you do towards God draws us closer to him. If we just go through the motions, eventually we will realise that we are stagnant and have no real relationship. I was talking to someone recently and telling them how I believe in God unconditionally! No reason can startle me. Money or success are not enough to sway me from my walk. Be a believer in what you’re doing not a faker.

To act is one of the most important components of growing closer. In James it says draw nigh to God and he will draw nigh to you (Video On This Here). Action is how we draw closer, by doing things which move us closer to him and then God reacts and responds to this.

To be a guide is something we see throughout the Bible. God always wants us to have guides who can lead us. And this is why God raises up people to lead his people. Paul said follow after him as he followed after Christ. Jesus wanted us to follow the Father by believing in his name. We must be guides for children, siblings and others in the world.

I want you to add one more, I want to allow you, the reader to choose something significant to you and post a comment with what you feel is important.


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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5 Responses

  1. Traci B says:

    Israel, your list is so complete I can think of only one thing to add to it: forgive others and allow yourself to be forgiven. When we refuse to hold onto others’ offenses, we act as Christ would have us do, and when we allow ourselves to be forgiven, we open our hearts to the grace of God, which draws us closer to Him.

    This is a wonderful first post to the blog chain; welcome to the group. 🙂

    • Your added way to draw closer is a good one, thank you. I will be looking to be a regular chain blogger by his grace – I hope to consistently provide good writing, which benefits the Kingdom of God.

  2. Scott Fields says:

    Although this one parallels the eighth entry on your list pretty closely, I think it’s good to make the deliniation. I would say “to serve” is absolutely vital. Some folks might simply “act” on their faith in a way that affects them alone; but to act for others in service is the most important type of action God would have us take. (This one just nosed out my second choice–“potluck”–which I think is a vital part of the picture, too. 😉

    Your list, however, includes the fundamental tools every Christian should have. Great post, Israel. Welcome to the group!

  1. January 25, 2012

    […] speak of the good things the Lord has done for us. I’ve made articles in the past concerning testimony and its importance (testimony). I recently was asked about how to make a good blog. Two different […]

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