Fruitful connections

Having a business and having character is vital. Character may just be the difference between a business folding and a business striving. What you need to remember is, business is made up of people, the character comes from the people. If you are selfish in business and do not look to help others, when you need a favour, they will not help you. Let us take examples from the Bible to see. Abraham’s wife had just died and he was in mourning. Abraham had travelled through the Middle East and come to dwell in Canaan. He was a stranger in the land as he called it and needed a burying place to rest his deceased.

Abraham asked the people, can I have a place to lay my loved one and they swiftly replied yes. This was for several reasons. Abraham was very nice to others and helpful. He had been a sojourner and was not growing financially and forgetting about others. He was clearly helping others grow also and they now were helping him. They said “any place you wish, you can have” and accordingly he chose somewhere. There was a public meeting, where Abraham was even offered the place to bury his wife for free but despite several attempts to have it for free, he wanted to pay for it. He was this kind of guy…


He’s learning to serve the Christian community better and better each day through his teaching on the Bible (both theory and practical application for everyday life). Israel Ikhinmwin loves to share the truth of God’s Word and be an example for other Christians looking to develop your faith.

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